
Ty tak nuzshna mne.

A couple months ago, I was chatting with my friend Patrick, and I don't exactly remember how we came across this website, but we found a list of Russian phrases that are obviously (and hilariously) geared towards arranging a mail-order bride:


We have a couple favorite phrases:
Dlya menya eto ochen' neobychny sposob znakomstva - For me it's very unusual way of meeting people.
ti takaya dobraya - You are so kind
eto Olga? - Is that Olga?
Pazavite pazhalusta Olga - Could I speak to Olga?
Olga doma? - Is Olga home?
vsyo chevo ya hachu chtoby tee stala mayey zshenoy - All I want is you were my wife.
paver mne - Believe me.
mne tak kharasho stoboy - I feel so good next to you (Which doesn't make sense because this list is for chatting over the phone)
ty poslana mne bogom - You were sent me by God.

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